New Disciple of Christ

Last week we had a men’s meeting in Colmenar Viejo and it was a great success. After the meal we had a time for Bible questions and discussion. During that time I asked those that attend the “Come and See” Bible study and those that have personal Bible studies with us to share a testimony of what they have learned so far. When it was Javier’s turn he said the following, “The more I learn about God, the more I want to know. I feel that I am attached to Jesus. I can’t get away from him.”

The following week I asked him about his testimony and he confirmed to me that he has decided to place his faith and trust in Jesus Christ for his salvation and become a disciple of Christ. God has been working in his heart for a long time. He is Eduardo’s friend and was invited to church by him. Eduardo has shared the gospel with him numerous times. I have personally spent hours sharing the gospel with him. He has faithfully attended the come and see bible study. His testimony is a reminder to me that it takes time. We are commanded to teach the gospel. We cannot get impatient because God is doing the work. Please continue to pray for his spiritual growth.

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  • Herman Mongin says:

    Tremendous news . Great to hear of the young person accepts Christ. Never give up witnessing to the young and old in Spain. We appreciate your serving as missionary …

  • Dear brother Mongin, Thank you for the encouraging words. I am honored that you would read these posts. God Bless.

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