There are many noble and necessary tasks that we could undertake for the well- being of the Spanish people, but we believe that it’s our primary responsibility as missionaries to obey the Great Commission, which is found in its fullest expression in Matthew 28:18-20. With Christ’s specific command in mind we seek to glorify God by:
We believe that making disciples includes teaching unbelievers the gospel (evangelism) and helping those that respond positively to the gospel (conversion) to be fruitful, mature and reproducing disciples of Christ (discipling). While we want to meet people’s physical needs, we understand that our mission is primarily spiritual.
Planting healthy, gospel-centered churches
We believe that the task of making disciples of all nations has been given to the local church. The church has the sole authority and responsibility to proclaim the gospel, to affirm those that profess faith in the gospel (through the ordinances), and to supervise the discipleship of its members. Healthy, gospel-centered churches are the answer to the need for the gospel in Spain!
Raising up and training national leadership
We believe that as churches are faithful in making disciples, some of those disciples should be set aside for the particular task of shepherding and leading the local congregations, and others should be commissioned and sent out to make disciples and plant churches in unreached places. These leaders are essential for building healthy, gospel-centered churches in Spain and beyond.