Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
Our last couple of days in Spain were a crazy marathon and a huge blessing at the same time! They were a reminder of why we came to Spain in the first place. After packing up and getting everything ready for our year-long furlough, I had the privilege of baptizing two believers and leading a members’ meeting, which concluded with a vote to add three new members to our congregation. This is why we’re missionaries! I pray that God would give us many more years in Spain to glorify Him by making disciples, by planting and building healthy churches, and by raising up and training national leaders.
We realize that a strong support system is essential to the success of the mission. We are thankful for all of the ministries that have helped us during our first two terms on the field. As missionaries, we desire to continue developing purposeful accountability and depth of relationships with our support base back home. Knowing how important these things are, we believe that the Lord is leading us to partner with Landmark Independent Baptist Church in Louisville, Kentucky, and to be sent out from them. For ten years, Landmark has faithfully supported us and constantly communicated with us. I have come to know the pastor, Matthew Anders, very well and have learned so much from him. He has given me invaluable advice that has helped our ministry tremendously. The Lord has truly knit our hearts together. We have prayed much about this decision, we have sought counsel, and we believe that this is the Lord’s will for us.
I want to thank Vision Baptist Church in Alpharetta, Georgia, and Pastor Austin Gardner for having been a good home church and pastor for us. We are thrilled to see how God is growing their ministry and using them for the advance of the gospel around the world. Our relationship with Vision and Pastor Gardner is healthy and we have every intention to continue co-laboring with them for the sake of the gospel. We have been in contact with them throughout this entire process and they have been extremely helpful and supportive.
In addition to being our sending church, Landmark will also be serving as our mission board. We believe that they are more than capable and qualified to fulfil this important role. They already manage the support for the other four missionaries sent out of their church and are aware of the logistical challenges. Having Landmark as our sending church and missions agency will provide us with tremendous accountability, counsel, and support for the great task that we have before us in Spain.
We have nothing but love and gratitude for Macedonia. They have served us well. We have gotten to know the directors and staff very well and know them to be men and women of integrity that love the Lord and desire to see the world reached with the gospel. We are sad to go, but we know that the Lord is leading us in this direction. Below you will find a link to download a letter from our former pastor, Austin Gardner; from the assistant director of Macedonia, Dean Hamby; and from our new pastor, Matthew Anders. If you have any questions about our change you can write to me at david@operationspain.com or call me at (502) 724-8095. God bless!
Please start sending support to:
Landmark Baptist Missions
6502 Johnsontown Road
Louisville, KY 40272
Memo: David Velasquez