Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
Last year when I wrote my January letter I was sitting in a coffee shop, dreaming about what exciting ministry opportunities were in store for us in 2020. Well, things didn’t go as planned, but God has shown me through the apparent chaos of the last twelve months that He is in control and worthy of my trust and praise. I don’t know what’s in store for this new year. It could end up like the last, but we will take advantage of every opportunity the Lord gives us to proclaim the gospel and disciple believers. We will make plans, and the Lord may allow those plans to come to fruition, or He may completely change our plans and give us more than we had ever imagined (like a new building!), or we may go through great difficulties. Whatever happens, may we serve Christ and glorify Him with our lives.
So, if the Lord wills, we plan to start Come and See bible studies in the towns of San Agustín de Guadalix and Soto del Real. We plan to train the believers in the area of evangelism and give them more tools for the task. We plan to restructure our children’s ministry and train more workers. We plan to continue training men for gospel ministry in Colmenar and Parla. And we seek to continue making the gospel an integral part of everything that we do as a church. Please pray specifically for Yanet and her friend Kelly who have been coming to the Come and See bible studies in Colmenar, that they would come to faith in Christ. Pray also for David (Harold’s father) and his wife (Jessica) and mother-in-law (Olga). They have started coming to church and are showing an interest in learning more about the gospel. Join me also in praying for Houssam. He is a young Moroccan muslim that I have befriended and with whom I have shared the gospel in numerous occasions.
We have been meeting in the new building since October and are loving it! We have been able to add a children’s class and have plenty of space in general for growth. We want to thank everyone that was involved in helping us remodel the building. Thank you for praying, sharing and giving! I will be sharing a video of the finished product in our email update, but if you are not subscribed to our email update list and would like to see the video, just send me an email to david@operationspain.com and I’ll be sure to send you the link so that you can see the video and rejoice with us. We are thankful for the gifts that have come in to help us with the four additional needs for the new building (see below). If you still want to be involved with the new building project, here is a breakdown of the cost of the additional needs that we still have:
Classrooms: $3,500
Kitchen: $3,000 $2,500
Chairs: $1,500 1,200
Audio Equipment: $5,000
Total: $12,200
Thank you once again for your prayers and your faithful support. God bless!
Praying every day for you and the ministry in Colmenar! Exciting days ahead!