Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
In 2021 we ended the year with two evangelistic events that God greatly blessed. First, we took advantage of the curiosity Spaniards have concerning Thanksgiving and we encouraged our people to invite their friends, co-workers and family members to share a meal at the church building and learn the greatest reason for giving thanks, which is what God has done in Christ to reconcile sinners to Himself. And second, we organized a Christmas concert, which through music and preaching answered the question, “What is Christmas?” Our criteria for inviting people was the following: invite people that are unbelievers and that you are already sharing the gospel with. The result was that we had 34 guests for Thanksgiving (78 in total) and 40 guests for the Christmas concert (80 in total). We are thankful that so many people heard the gospel clearly presented, but what encourages us the most is that since all of the guests already have a relationship with our members, they will be able to follow up with them and answer their questions or doubts concerning Christ and the Bible. Please continue praying for these 70+ guests that we would see gospel fruit from both of these events.
This year we are asking the Lord to help us make the gospel available to many more people. That is why I am thrilled to share with you a new evangelistic ministry that has been on my heart for a long time. As many of you remember a few years back I started an evangelistic podcast called “Come and See Radio”. I started it with my brother-in-law Flavius Tabardau and we were able to record 54 episodes. These episodes were evangelistic/apologetic in nature and gave a positive presentation of Biblical Christianity and answered common questions that people have about God and the Bible. We even created a website to go along with it and began sharing the episodes through social media. It was a wonderful tool, but in 2017 for various reasons outside of my control, we had to put the ministry on pause. Well, we believe the time has come to press the play button once again, but this time we want to improve the quality of our programming and add video. A lot has changed since 2017 and now more than ever we are seeing the predominance of videos on the internet. What an opportunity it would be to have both audio and video available for the content we want to produce! We are very excited about this ministry, but we need your help! I have consulted with my brother-in-law Jeffrey Andrews, who is the administrative pastor and media director for Beacon Baptist Church in Jupiter, FL, to give me a breakdown of the cost for setting up a high-quality studio here in our building and based on his recommendations the cost for our studio would be the following:
Video Equipment: $6,100
Audio Equipment: $2,000
Sound Proofing: $3,900
Total: $12,000
Would you prayerfully consider helping us with these needs? If the Lord leads you to give towards this new ministry you could designate your gift to any of the above categories or give a general offering designated to ‘Recording Studio’. We believe that this ministry could be used to reach thousands with the gospel. Not only that, it will help other churches in Spain and even in Latin America. We don’t believe that this ministry should take the place of personal evangelism, but we do believe it can aid in those encounters. We can develop gospel tracts, surveys, and much more, to complement the Come and See Podcast/Video ministry. And we can also use the studio for recording training material for believers and even for producing high-quality music recordings for the church. The possibilities are endless. Thank you so much for your generous giving and fervent prayers for our ministry here in Spain!
Excited about the potential of this new ministry. We will be praying that God will provide the money for this.