Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
I’m writing to you from my favorite coffee shop next to Ian’s school, sipping my café con leche (coffee with milk) and eating toasted bread with fresh tomato and Spanish cured ham. We’ve been back in Spain for about 5 weeks now and time has flown by. During this time we have purchased a new family vehicle, put together a bunch of IKEA furniture, organized a Christmas banquet at the church, celebrated Christmas and New Year’s Eve, gotten the kids ready for school, and hosted Favi’s parents. After this whirlwind of events, we are finally getting back into the swing of things. Our first Sunday back was a joy. After almost 11 months away, the church is still going strong and there are even some new faces. The Colmenar believers worked together and served the Lord gladly and sacrificially. This confirms what we know to be true: The Colmenar church belongs to Christ and He will take care of and grow His church. We are simply His servants.
Next week we will hold a special members’ meeting in which we will lay out plans for 2020. One of those plans is to officially start a Come and See Bible study in the neighboring town of San Agustín de Guadalix. We have seen much fruit through this evangelistic Bible study in Colmenar and are excited to see more started. These Bible studies allow us to evangelize the lost and train believers in how to teach the gospel to unbelievers and how to answer the most common questions that people have about Christ and the Bible. Eduardo Sedoski has already been meeting every week in his home with a family that attends our church and lives in San Agustín de Guadalix. The next step is to make nice invitations for the Bible study and distribute them all throughout the town.
In closing, we want to thank all of those chuches that sent gifts to help us purchase our family vehicle. We raised all of the money we needed! We bought a Ssangyong Rodius, which according to Woo Il Byun (a Korean young man from our church), means ‘two dragons’ in Korean. Thank you for taking care of us in that way. Since I last wrote to you, we have had one supporting church raise our support and a new church take us on for support. That brings our support level up to 87%. We just have a little more to go! In our next letter I hope to share more specific ways in which you can pray for the ministry here in Colmenar. Thank you for your faithful support and prayers. God bless!