Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
And just like that the summer has ended and it’s time to get back to a more ‘normal’ schedule with the kids. Ian will be starting Bachillerato (the equivalent of the last two years of high school), Hayden will be starting ‘La ESO’ (the equivalent of junior high through the first two years of high school), and Alex and Jackson will be continuing their middle and elementary school education. But before they return to school we will take a week off for family vacation. This has been our pattern for several years now and we find that it helps us prepare for all of the craziness that comes with the first week back to school. Here in Spain school starts back again the first week of September.
The summer has been a time of growth for the Colmenar church. We have two families and two single ladies that have started faithfully attending since the beginning of the summer. One of the new families was invited by another family from our church and they are unbelievers. They are full of questions and have a desire to learn. They haven’t missed a service or activity since they started coming. Please pray that they would understand the gospel and place their faith and trust in Christ for their salvation. Their names are Simon and Juliana.
Marga, the lady that was saved after reading the gospels and found our church, has been growing tremendously. Her zeal for the Lord has been a positive influence on our church. She has a great burden for evangelism. Every week during our prayer meeting she shares with us story after story of people that she is sharing the gospel with. She has started an in-depth discipleship course and she knows that what she is learning is not only for her own benefit, but also for the benefit of others that she will be able to disciple and teach. This is what we teach everyone that is discipled in our church. The goal is for every member to be a fruitful, mature and reproducing disciple of Christ!
So making disciples of Christ is still our focus and that includes evangelism and discipling. The members of the Colmenar church are growing in their desire to know Christ and to make Him known. Please pray for an evangelistic event that we are planning for September. The goal is to go into a public space in Colmenar and do open air evangelism. While someone is speaking others will be passing out evangelistic literature. Pray that we would be able to figure out the best way to engage people in these public spaces and for us to not have any trouble with the police. We want to do things in an orderly manner. We are still raising money for the Come and See studio, but in the meantime we will continue doing everything in our power to make the gospel known by every means possible. Thank you for being such faithful supporters through the years. We are humbled by your generosity and love. God bless!