February 2017 Velasquez Family Update

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Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,

I would like to share with you an exciting new evangelistic ministry that we have started here in Spain. The ministry is called ‘Radio Venyve’ (Come and See Radio). And what is Radio Venyve? It is an online radio program that invites unbelievers to explore Biblical Christianity and that answers questions about God and the Bible. Every week Flavius and I record a new program and stream it online. We have already recorded thirty-four programs and have over twenty-eight hours of programming. We stream our programs non-stop on a loop. Every program is well-prepared, engaging, and presents the gospel clearly.

But that’s not all. We don’t just want people to listen to the programs; we want them to take the next step and meet up with a believer face-to-face, attend an evangelistic Bible study, or visit a gospel-preaching church. That is why we just launched a website for the radio program. The website is very professional and easy to navigate. Our goal is to get people to fill out a simple form with their name and e-mail address so that we can share the gospel with them personally.

What we love about this ministry is that it is of the local church, for the local church. It can be used by any gospel-preaching church in Spain. Thanks to the internet, it has the potential to reach millions of people. It also aids us in our day-to-day evangelistic efforts. Very soon we are going to print thousands of postcards and create a survey about the radio program that will open up doors to sharing the gospel with people on the streets.

What part can you have in this ministry? First, you can pray. We completely depend on God for the success of this ministry. Second, you can share. If you know someone that could benefit from this website, share the link with them: www.radiovenyve.com. Finally, you can give. We are asking the Lord to provide $6,000 to fund the project in 2017. 

Here is the breakdown:

  • Website: $1,300 (This is how much we still have to pay for the design work)
  • Advertising: $3,700 (Facebook ads and professional promotional videos for 2017)
  • New Equipment: $1,000 (New microphones to improve sound quality)

Thank you for so much for partnering with us. Please pray for the furtherance of the gospel in Spain. To God be the glory!