We have given operationspain.com a new look! Our goal with this site is to raise awareness of the need for the gospel in Spain and to share what God is doing through our ministry. After eight years serving in Spain we are more conscious than ever of the desperate need for healthy, gospel-centered churches in the least evangelised Spanish-speaking country in the world.
We are also hopeful about the future. There is a growing movement within Spain of doctrinally-sound, gospel-shaped, evangelistically-focused national churches and ministries that are passionate to see God glorified and the gospel go forth. These indigenous churches and leaders are organising and collaborating like never before in the work of evangelism and church-planting.
We are excited as well about the influx of full-time missionaries that have moved to Spain in the past 5-10 years and planted churches. These missionaries include…
Julio & Andrea Velasquez (Parla Baptist Church, Parla, Madrid)
Alberto & Ashley Puente (Faith Baptist Church – Nervion, Seville/ Faith Baptist Church – La Macarena, Seville/ Faith Baptist Church – San Rafael, Seville)
Francisco & Rebekah Puente (Faith Baptist Church – Nervion, Seville/ Faith Baptist Church – La Macarena, Seville/ Faith Baptist Church – San Rafael, Seville)
Mike & Jen Peters (Helped plant Faith Baptist Church – La Macarena, Seville, planning to plant another church soon)
Justin & Grace Hayes (Olive Grove Baptist Church, Dos Hermanas, Seville)
Mike & Jen Helton (Olive Grove Baptist Church, Dos Hermanas, Seville)
Peter & Sharon McMillan (New Life Baptist Church, Madrid)
Jonathan & Lorena Templeton (Working to gather a church in Ponferrada Spain)
Corre & Claudia Meyer (More Life Baptist Church, Alcorcón, Madrid)
Other missionaries like Jeffrey & Deanna Andrews (Parla Baptist Church, Parla, Madrid) and Scott & Melissa Newton (The Evangelical Biblical Church of Sabadell, Barcelona) are no longer serving in Spain, but left behind healthy, vibrant churches.
Of course, the above list is not exhaustive. It’s only a sampling of the missionaries that we know personally and with which we have been able to partner during our time here. We know of many others that have just arrived or that plan to arrive in the next few years; each with the vision to plant or revitalise churches in Spain.
We hope that through this website you will get a taste of the unique opportunities and challenges of working and serving in Spain. We plan to write ministry updates and musings often. We pray that you will consider what part God wants you to have in reaching Spain with the gospel. If you haven’t already, sign-up to receive our updates directly to your email.