Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
When the Lord led us to start the church in Colmenar, we didn’t realize just how strategic the city was for the furtherance of the gospel in the northern part of Madrid. Colmenar is a city of 60,000 people only 20 minutes from the city of Madrid, but it is also surrounded by several towns that use Colmenar as their shopping and recreational hub, many of which do not have any solid, gospel-preaching churches. We have people that are members or visit our church from Soto del Real, Miraflores de la Sierra, and San Agustín de Guadalix, all towns about 15 minutes from our church. Our desire is to find more ways to reach these towns with the gospel.
One church activity that we were able to organize in October had a gospel impact in a neighboring town. As you may remember, last year we organized an evangelistic Thanksgiving event that was a great success. This year we decided to organize a Fall Festival and the Lord truly blessed our efforts. The reasoning behind the Fall Festival was similar to the reasoning behind the Thanksgiving meal. We have noticed how curious many people are in Spain about American cultural activities that they see in shows and movies, and so we wanted to take advantage of that. One of the best parts about organizing these sort of activities is how the whole church gets involved and works hard. Several families prepared booths with games; others helped preparing snacks; others decorated. In the end, the building looked really nice and we had many visitors from Colmenar and from one neighboring town. Everyone that came received an envelope with lots of gospel material. It was a blessing to see the members of the Colmenar church actively getting to know the guests and even sharing the gospel with some of them. One of the families that came that day from Miraflores de la Sierra has been visiting our church ever since. Praise the Lord!
The family that visited us found out about the event through a Facebook ad that I posted the day before the Fall Festival. This reminded me once again of what a great tool the internet is for reaching people with the gospel. We are still planning to start the Come and See Studio as soon as all of the funds come in. So far we have raised $2,500 and we have another $9,500 to raise. I want to thank every church that has sent money for the project. I will continue to keep you updated of the progress with the Studio. As we near the end of the year, I am reminded of God’s goodness towards us. Thank you so much for being such faithful supporters. Thank you for the letters of encouragement and the gestures of love and care towards us, such as birthday cards and gifts for our children. May you have a Merry Christmas, full of God’s blessings!