Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
Even though we no longer live and work in Parla, the church that we helped start in 2010 (Parla Baptist Church) is still in our hearts and minds. My parents, Julio and Andrea Velasquez, have done an excellent job serving the church there since we left to start the church in Colmenar Viejo in 2013. That year was certainly not easy for the young Parla church because not only did we leave, but also the Sedoski family, to work alongside us in the new church plant. But through the faithful ministry of the Word both behind the pulpit and in people’s homes, the church has been strengthened and even grown numerically. Today the church has 34 adult members and 60+ people attending weekly on average. Two men, Flavius and Paco, regularly teach and preach the Word and several women are being trained to teach children and serve in different capacities. And all of this is happening every week in a 630 square foot building! Thankfully during the summer the Lord opened up the door for them to rent the building next store and now they have double the space for things such as Sunday school and fellowship. We couldn’t be more excited for them.
In Colmenar last month they celebrated the 6th anniversary of the church. It brought us great joy to see the videos of members sharing what the Colmenar church means to them. It’s always special to look back and remember all that God has done, but we also look forward. Just yesterday I received news of a man, Francisco Alfaro, that made a profession of faith during the Come and See bible study. Now the church has the responsibility and privilege of helping this man grow in his walk with Christ. When I get back I look forward to further equipping the Colmenar believers in the areas of evangelism and discipleship.
We are in the process right now of improving our communication with you. For many years I have sent out a bi-monthly prayer letter both through regular mail and email. What I want to start doing in October is send out a prayer letter every month. In order to save money on postage, I will only send out a bi-monthly letter via regular mail, the other updates will come via email. If you are not signed up to our email prayer letter list but would like to be, please email me at david@operationspain.com and I will promptly add you. You don’t want to miss out on any updates!
I would like to finish this letter by updating you on the status of our special needs. Since our last letter we have received $2,500 towards our van fund. Praise the Lord! That brings the total amount that we still need down to $2,500. As far as our support is concerned we are now at 82%. We are asking the Lord to bring in the remaining 18% of support in the next few months. We are encouraged by the new churches that have expressed their desire to partner with us and for the supporting churches that have communicated to us that they plan to raise our support. We know that the Lord will provide. Would you pray that the Lord would bring in what is lacking of our support? And if you are not one of our supporting churches, would you consider partnering with us for the furtherance of the gospel in the least evangelized Spanish-speaking country in the world?