Dear Pastor, Congregation and Friends,
It takes a little while to get adjusted to life in the states, but after three months on furlough we are finally “settled in”. Our home church has been such a blessing to us throughout the transition process. They have gone above and beyond to take care of us. We are living in the beautiful finished basement of one of the faithful members of Landmark. It’s so nice having a place to call home in between meetings. Being involved in the life of the church has been a great encouragement to all of us. Ian is especially enjoying having Christian friends that are his age and all the kids are thriving at Landmark Christian Academy.
Of course, we miss the church in Spain. The longer I am here the more desire I have to return and continue the work that God has given us to do. My heart is encouraged, however, when I hear of the faithfulness of the believers there as they carry on the ministry without us. What thrills me the most are the new ministries that have been started during our absence. For several years we have had ‘Come and See’ Bible studies at the Colmenar church. These Bible studies are a great opportunity for unbelievers to learn the gospel and believers to grow in their faith. One of my desires has been to start more of these Bible studies in different towns around Colmenar. The Lord has answered this prayer! Eduardo and Angie Sedoski have started a ‘Come and See’ Bible study in their home for the town of San Agustin de Guadalix. I love seeing pictures and hearing of how God is already using this new Bible study. Eduardo is doing a great job leading it. The children’s ministry is also growing. Herica Stormont has worked hard to organize this ministry and is giving teaching opportunities to others as well. Yes, we miss the work in Spain, but we know that it’s ultimately our job to equip the Spanish believers for the work of the ministry. We rejoice in what God is doing.
I would like to finish this letter with an important reminder and request. As I mentioned in our last letter, we have a new support address. Our previous Mission Board has graciously agreed to process our support through May 31. However, any checks sent after that date will be returned. If you have not done so already, please begin sending your support to our new address. Thank you so much for your faithful support and prayers. God bless!